Monday, November 19, 2007

First up

I accumulate stuff. Old vinyl mostly, as well as any associated ephemeral material. This is an effort to share said stuff, and what I find interesting about accumulating, with others.

Vinyl, of course implies music and I love music. It's why I collect in the first place. But I'm not going to post many actual music files up here. So many others do that, and expertly. This is a clearinghouse for other aspects of the, ahem, hobby.

Like the pictured item. Just look at this thing. At least two owners, possibly as many as six, including a radio station. An implication of two different indexing systems. Stamps, marker, pen, tape. Wear. I bought it because of how it looked. In fact the ownership toll of the aforementioned possible six renders this 45 virtually unplayable.

But play it I did. Turns out both sides (the flip is called "For Stealing Her From Me") are very light gimmicky upbeat pop tunes from the early 60s, sung by a guy who sounds (or is trying to sound) like Ricky Nelson. They also feature the banjo. Anyway to me the songs are nowhere near as cool as that label.

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